Monday, September 30, 2019

Surprises from the RealAge

I am surprised by the findings of the RealAge test. I am only 33, but my RealAge turned up to be 38. This makes me 5 years older than I am. On the other hand, the test did explain why I am older. In particular, I inhale second-hand smoke quite regularly, because some of my friends and family members smoke. I also lack strength training and flexibility exercises, although I walk every time I can. I also need to know my blood pressure rate and other health statistics, so that it can be clear to know how healthy or unhealthy I am.I also need to improve eating healthier, by including more fruits and vegetables into my daily meals and snacks. The barriers to taking action that can improve my RealAge are my environment and lifestyle. First, my environment is not actually conducive to healthy living. Smokers abound inside and outside the house, so I tend to inhale second-hand smoke, which I know is bad for my health. However, I cannot control or influence others to stop smoking. They should quit smoking on their own. My environment is also somewhat polluted, so it is not an incentive to be walking around, as there is barely fresh air to inhale.In terms of my eating habits, college life is not essentially a haven for healthy eaters, as the study of Deshpande, Basil, andBasil (2009) revealed. College life is often stressed and students frequently skip meals or do binge eating, when they have the time, which I also frequently do. Second, my lifestyle is more or less sedentary, which also makes me not enough motivated to exercise. Sometimes, I want to exercise, but it is easy to find excuses, like it is too hot or cold outside. I can overcome these barriers by following simple advices from the Department of Health and Human Services.According to this agency: â€Å"The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend three to five servings from various vegetables and vegetable juices and two to four servings from various fruits and fruit juices, depending on calorie needs† (2009a). I will put more effort into integrating fruits and vegetable juices into my life. This way, even when I do not have time to eat fruits, I can always drink fruit or vegetable juices. Furthermore, the agency noted: â€Å"The adoption and maintenance of regular physical activity†¦ provide multiple opportunities to improve and maintain health† (2009b).Since I do not have the time to exercise for an hour or more (four to five times per week), I can just divide these exercises into 10-minute workouts. There are already numerous 10-minute workouts in Youtube. com that I can use; so that whenever I am watching TV or passing time, I can do some exercise. I will also improve my physical activity by being more active. For example, I can do some squats or push ups, while waiting for my coffee to cool down a little, or when I am just waiting for anything. Increasing my physical activity can incrementally add up to burn more calories.I was also surprised with the findings o f the Portion Distortion Quiz. I realized that I have mostly underestimated the calories in today’s servings, especially for burgers, French fries, desserts, softdrinks, and other fast food choices. This can also be the reason why I feel sluggish after eating these foods. Evidently, they are packed with more fats and calories than I originally imagined. I plan to use this information to improve my food choices and how I eat fast food. For instance, instead of drinking a whole bottle of soda, I can divide it into two and drink the rest later.I will also bring my own water bottle, so that I do not need to drink too much sugary drinks, like softdrinks. Furthermore, I will cut the servings of fast food meals into two, since almost all of them have twice the calories and fats I need per meal. I will also strive to eat more fruits by bring fruits with me or fruit/vegetable juices. This way, I can feel full and not eat more junk or fatty foods. Thus, through systematically changing my lifestyle, I can become pursue a healthier life. References Deshpande, S. , Basil, M. D. , & Basil, D. Z. (2009).Factors influencing healthy eating habits among college students: An application of the health belief model. Health Marketing Quarterly, 26 (2), 145-164. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2010a). Healthy People 2010: Nutrition and overweight. Retrieved May 1, 2010 from http://www. healthypeople. gov/Document/HTML/Volume2/19Nutrition. htm U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2010b). Healthy People 2010: Physical activity and fitness. Retrieved May 1, 2010 from http://www. healthypeople. gov/Document/HTML/volume2/22physical. htm#_Toc4 90380794

Sunday, September 29, 2019


Name: B. sreevidya Rno: 08491D5804 FINDIND & STOPING OF PHISHING ATTACKS THROUGH ONLINE ABSTRACT: Phishing is a new type of network attack where the attacker creates accurate copy of an existing web page to fool users ex submitting personal, financial, or password data to what they think is their service provider’s website. The concept is an anti-phishing algorithm, called the Link Guard, by utilizing the generic characteristics of the hyperlinks in phishing attacks. The link Guard algorithm is the concept for finding the phishing emails sent by the phisher to grasp the information of the end user.Link Guard is based on the careful analysis of the characteristics of phishing hyperlinks. Each end user is implemented with Link Guard algorithm. Existing System: 1) Detect and block the phishing Web sites in time: If we can detect the phishing Web sites in time, we then can block the sites and prevent phishing attacks. But it's difficult to find those phishing sites out in time . There are two methods for phishing site detection. a) The Web master of a legal Web site periodically scans the root DNS for suspicious sites. ) Since the phisher must duplicate the content of the target site, he must use tools to (automatically) download the Web pages from the target site. It is therefore possible to detect this kind of download at the Web server and trace back to the phisher. Drawbacks:-Many phishing attacks simply do not require a DNS name. For phishing download detection, clever phishers may easily write tools 2) Enhance the security of the web sites: The business Websites such as the Web sites of banks can take new methods to guarantee the security of users' personal information.There two method to enhance the security a) Using hardware devices: For example, a hand-held card reader b)Biometrics characteristic: e. g. voice, fingerprint, iris, etc. Drawbacks:-All these techniques need additional hardware and also will increase the cost. Therefore, it still need s time for these techniques to be widely adopted. Block the phishing e-mails by various spam filters: The phishers hide their identities when sending the spoofed e-mails, therefore, if anti-spam systems can determine whether an e-mail is sent by the announced sender the phishing attacks will be decreased dramatically.The techniques that preventing senders from counterfeiting their Send ID (e. g. SIDF of Microsoft) can defeat phishing attacks efficiently. SIDF is a combination of Microsoft's Caller ID for E-mail and the SPF (Sender Policy Framework). Both Caller ID and SPF check e-mail sender's domain name to verify if the e-mail is sent from a server that is authorized to send e-mails of that domain and from that to determine whether that e-mail use spoofed e-mail address. If it's faked, the Internet service provider can then determine that e-mail is a spam e-mail.The spoofed e-mails used by phishers are one type of spam e-mails. the spam filters can also be used to filter those phi shing e-mails. Spam filters are designed for general spam e-mails and may not very suitable for filtering phishing e-mails since they generally do not consider the specific characteristics of phishing attacks. 4) Install online anti-phishing software in user’s computers: Despite all the above efforts, it is still possible for the users to visit the spoofed Web sites. As a last defense, users can install anti-phishing tools in their computers.The anti-phishing tools in use today can be divided into two categories: blacklist/white list based and rule-based. a) When a user visits a Web site, the antiphishing tool searches the address of that site in a blacklist stored in the database. If the visited site is on the list, the anti-phishing tool then warns the users . They cannot prevent the attacks from the newly emerged (unknown) phishing sites. b) Uses certain rules in their software, and checks the security of a Web site according to these rules.Examples Spoof Guard and Trust W atch provide a toolbar in the browsers all the above defense methods are useful and complementary to each other, but none of them are perfect at the current stage. PROPOSED SYSTEM A. Classification of the hyperlinks in the phishing e-mails The hyperlinks used in the phishing e-mail into the following categories: 1) The hyperlink provides DNS domain names in the anchor text, but the destination DNS name in the visible link doesn't match that in the actual link. For instance, the following hyperlink: <a href= â€Å"http://www. profusenet. et/checksession. php†>https://secure. regionset. com/EBanking/logon/ </a> appears to be linked to secure. regionset. com, which is the portal of a bank, but it actually is linked to a phishing site www. profusenet. net. 2) Dotted decimal IP address is used directly in the URI or the anchor text instead of DNS name. For example. <a href= â€Å"http://61. 129. 33. 105/secured-site/www. skyfi. Com/ index. html? MfclSAPICommand=Sig nInFPP&UsingSSL= 1†³> SIGN IN </a> 3) The hyperlink is counterfeited maliciously by using certain encoding schemes.There are two cases: a) The link is formed by encoding alphabets into their corresponding ASCII codes. See below for such a hyperlink. <a href=†http://034%02E%0333%34%2E%311%39%355%2E%o340o31:%34%39%30%33/%6C/%69%6E%64%65%78%2E%68%74%6D†> www. citibank. com </a> While this link is seemed pointed www. citibank. com, it actually points to http://4. 34. 195. 41:34/l/index. htm. b) Special characters (e. g. (in the visible link) are used to fool the user to believe that the e-mail is from a trusted sender.For instance, the following link seems is linked to amazons, but it actually is linked to IP address 69. 10. 142. 34. http://www. amazon. com:[email  protected] 10. 142. 34. 4) The hyperlink does not provide destination information in its anchor text and uses DNS names in its URI. The DNS name in the URI usually is similar with a famous company or organization. For instance, the following link seems to be sent from PayPal, but it actually is not. Since paypal-cgi is actually registered by the phisher to let the users believe that it has something to do with paypal <a href= â€Å"http://www. aypal-cgi. us/webscr. php? Cmd=Login†> Click here to confirm your account </a> 5) The attackers utilize the vulnerabilities of the target Web site to redirect users to their phishing sites or to launch CSS (cross site scripting) attacks. For example, the following link <a href=†http://usa. visa. com/track/dyredirjsp? rDirl=http://200. 251. 251. 10/. verified/†> Click here <a> Once clicked, will redirect the user to the phishing site 200. 251. 251. 10 due to a vulnerability of usa. visa. com. B. LINK GUARD ALGORITHM:LinkGuard works by analyzing the differences between the visual link and the actual link. It also calculates the similarities of a URI with a known trusted site C. LI NK GUARD IMPLEMENTED CLIENT: It includes two parts: a whook. dll dynamic library and a LinkGuard executive. Whook is a dynamic link library; it is dynamically loaded into the address spaces of the executing processes by the operating system. Whook is responsible for collecting data, such as the called links and visual links, the user input URLs. LinkGuard is the key component of the implementation.It’s composed of 5 parts Comm: This collects the information of the input process, and sends these related information’s to the Analyzer. Database: Store the white list, blacklist, and the user input URLs. Analyzer: It is the key component of Link Guard, which implements the Link Guard algorithm; it uses data provided by Comm and Database, and sends the results to the Alert and Logger modules. Alerter: When receiving a warning message from Analyzer, it shows the related information to alert the users and send back the reactions of the user back to the Analyzer.Logger: Archive the history information, such as user events, alert information, for future use. Software And Hardware Specification HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS * Hard disk:20 GB and above * RAM:256 MB and above * Processor speed: 1. 6 GHz and above SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS * Operating System: Windows 2000/XP * Documentation Tool:Ms word 2000 * Technology used : jsp,servlets,Apache Tomact 5. 5 * Database : Oracle XE

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Compare the use of studio sets to location filming in the depiction of Essay

Compare the use of studio sets to location filming in the depiction of the city and city life in film Rear Window (1952) and i - Essay Example Staging depends a lot on the scope of the movie’s story with respect to area. There are certain movies that move from place to place. There are even movies that move from country to country. For instance, Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, moves from Budapest to Moscow. It further moves from Dubai to India. There are also movies that have such stories that action stays at one place. The recent movie, Carnage, is a good example of that. This essay compares the use of studio sets to location filming in the depiction of the city and city life in relation to two movies in particular i.e. Rear Window (1952) and On the Town (1949). The film, Rear Window, is a masterpiece by Alfred Hitchcock. He has a history of going at great lengths in order to make the audience feel exactly as he wanted it to feel. The plot of the movie is centered mainly in a small area of a neighborhood. The protagonist of the movie, L.B. "Jeff" Jefferies, played by James Stewart, is confined to his apartment as his leg is broken in a racetrack accident. He stays in his apartment and looks at the people in his neighborhood. He casually observes their behaviors as they go about their lives. He is occasionally visited by his girlfriend, Lisa Fremont, played by Grace Kelly. Jeff observes very suspicious behavior of one of his neighbors, Lars Thorwald. He assumes that Thorwald has murdered his wife. All through the movie, Jeff never leaves his apartment except at the end when he has to struggle with Thorwald, and is thrown down his window. As the action of Rear Window is confined to a small area, Hitchcock shot the whole movie on a set which was specifically built for the same. The movie explores the themes of voyeurism and masculinity in crisis. As far as voyeurism is concerned, Hitchcock has used the staging almost perfectly. It is important to note that it is highly unlikely that Hitchcock could have found a real location in which he could have shown what he wanted to show in the movie. He needed a very good vantage point for the protagonist. The movie opens up with a detailed view of the whole scene that the protagonist is able to look at. It is very interesting to notice how the director has crammed various aspects of New York’s urban life of that time in a closed space. In the background of the opening titles of the movie, the audience can see a window shutter moving upwards. Then the camera moves out of the window, and the scene proceeds to a brief view of all the flats and the lawn that can be seen from the window. After showing the protagonist’s sweating head and a high temperature on a thermometer—depicting the sickness—the scene proceeds to show the following: A man shaving and listening to the radio at the same time; The waking up of a couple that has spent the night on the balcony; A young lady changing her bra and preparing breakfast at the same time. Her movement makes it very safe to assume that she is a dancer; The arms of an unseen lady drying clothes out of the window—probably a housekeeper; The broken leg of the protagonist. His broken camera and the pictures of a racetrack accident explaining without words the reason for the protagonist’s condition. The portrait of a lady shows that he has a girlfriend. A deeper analysis shows that the city life, as it is shown in the movie, is very fast. The

Friday, September 27, 2019

Anemias Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Anemias - Essay Example ; swollen hands and feet (hand-foot syndrome); frequent infections caused by weakened immune system; developmental delays, slowed growth, and delayed puberty; impaired vision (Mayo Clinic staff, 2011r) Aplastic anemia is ultimately caused by damage to the bone marrow, which shuts down or slows production of new blood cells. Can be caused by medications or an auto-immune disorder, but is often idiosyncratic (Mayo Clinic staff, 2011m) Fatigue; shortness of breath; irregular or rapid heartbeat; pale skin; frequent infections; unexplained bruising; prolonged bleeding from cuts, bleeding gums, and frequent nosebleeds; skin rash; dizziness; headache(Mayo Clinic staff, 2011n) The most difficult type of anemia to treat is aplastic anemia. This is due to the fact that in a large number of cases, the cause of aplastic anemia is unknown. Without knowing the cause, it cannot be effectively treated beyond symptomatic treatment through the use of blood transfusions. In other cases, the aplastic anemia is due to a life-saving medical treatment such as chemotherapy, or is the result of an auto-immune disorder. In both of those cases, the cause of the anemia really cant be removed and so the patient continues to suffer the anemia. Thankfully, aplastic anemia is extremely rare, so the chances of dealing with a patient suffering from untreatable deadly aplastic anemia are very slim (Mayo Clinic staff, 2011m). Mayo Clinic staff. (2011g, March 4). Iron Deficiency Anemia - Tests and Diagnosis. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved May 22, 2012, from Mayo Clinic staff. (2011h, March 4). Iron Deficiency Anemia - Treatments and Drugs. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved May 22, 2012, from Mayo Clinic staff. (2011j, March 4). Vitamin Deficiency Anemia - Symptoms. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved May 22, 2012, from

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Analysis Of The Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Essay

Analysis Of The Sir Gawain And The Green Knight - Essay Example The story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is based on the challenges that are made against his ethics in terms of being a knight and the changes that come with age that refine those ethical considerations. The heart of the tale begins as Arthur asks for a story to be told that would inspire him to eat his dinner. At this point, the Green Knight appears and wants to talk to Arthur. He comes to challenge the court because he wants to know whether or not the court and its knights can live up to their legend. The challenge is that one of the knights can take one swing of his giant ax and in exactly a year the Green Knight can return that swing. Sir Gawain uses the ax to cut off the Green Knight’s head when the Knight has offered his neck for the blow. For most people, this would be the end of the game, but the Green knight speaks and reminds the assembly of the deal they have struck before taking his head and riding out of the celebration. Use of the word covenant appears frequently throughout the book, creating a sense of obligation between characters in the story. When the Green Knight first faces Sir Gawain who is to be the person with whom he exchanges strokes of the ax he says â€Å"Make we our covenant ere we go further†, suggesting that the agreement is the lynchpin on which the entire ‘game’ is based (Weston 14). This creates a foundation of ethics on which the events that unfold can be examined. It is the ethical and moral character of Sir Gawain, as well as that of Arthurs court, which is being examined through honoring the idea of a covenant. There is a description of the changing of seasons that occurs within the poem. The changing of the seasons can be equated with the idea of the change that occurs over time as a person begins to mature. The seasonal changes are reflective of the cycle of life in which Sir Gawain believes he has come to an end.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The need for London Experience to develop the talents of its human Essay

The need for London Experience to develop the talents of its human resource, for future advantage - Essay Example The intention of this study is London Experience that owns and runs three visitor attractions in Central London which include the City Heritage Museum, the London Underworld Experience, and London Tour Buses. The London Experience employs only 200 regular employees and additional 300 people will be employed on contractual basis during peak seasons. This means that in times like this, the company needs to employ at least 600 personnel. As a company handling visitor attractions in Central London, London Experience usually tries to conduct half-day classroom-based introduction and followed by on-the-job training with its newly hired personnel. The hiring process within London Experience is not that complex because the General Manager just conducts informal interviews at each of the attractions. Not only that, short-term contracted people are recruited through word of mouth. These all lead to some important problems or issues facing London Experience at the very moment that need to be el aborately considered. Recently, among the problems facing London Experience are complaints about communication difficulties, poor language skills, poor customer service and lack of knowledge of the attractions. All of these hinder the main objective of London Experience to substantially bestow the best experience they could provide with their visitors. As a result, having these specific problems, London Experience is eventually providing only a less value for the satisfaction of their visitors. In other words, based on the point of view of customer satisfaction, London Experience substantially is giving poor value for its customers. This should give them proper guidance on the assessment of their service quality. From the point of view of Parasuraman, Ziethmal and Berry in measuring service quality, London Experience at the very moment is at the level in which there is a need to realise the service quality gap that exists between expected service and perceived service of their visit ors (University of Florence, 2008). In other words, prior to understanding the expected service of the visitors, the management of London Experience should primarily consider its external communication to visitors and the word of mouth, their personal needs and past experience. These are all determinants of perceived service quality (Ryan, 2002). The value of communication The increase of level in business determines the increasing importance of communication (Singla, 2009). In other words, communication remains an integral part of every business as it continues to be advantageous in it. In line with this, business requires people with good communication skills (Lesikar and Flatley, 2002). External communication to its visitors is important in the case of London Experience because it determines what the visitors expect to be the kind of service they would receive. As a result, London Experience needs to develop personnel with substantially good communication skills. This particularl y applies to personal communication in which the primary function is to ensure direct flow of information or message from one person to another. There are different types of interpersonal communication and these include interpersonal, group and mass communication (Smith, 2004). Recently, it is most familiar to come up with mass communication as it is capable of addressing important desires and needs of an individual or the masses and businesses (Smith, 2004). This may apply to both London Experience

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Global Media Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Global Media Management - Essay Example However based on the target audience the product display and message varied for majority of the companies. There are some aspects of any website that determine its satisfaction such as navigability, playfulness, information quality, trust, personalization and responsiveness. According to Todaro (2007) the value prepositions offered by website is interactivity, integration of multimedia, real-time buying behavior of the consumers and consumer response, electronic commerce and return on investment. Internet marketing consists of search engine optimization, online advertisement, pay per click campaigns (PPC), e-commerce, online permission marketing and promotional e-mail (Todaro, 2007). However the website or virtual presence is usually practiced with the other strategies for by the marketers today. In the case of skin care products, the consumer involvement increases with increasing price of the product and brand name. Consumers may be involved in the point of purchase behavior where they buy product when it is physically displayed in a retail outlet. In the case of online purchasing, it can be more for the repeat purchase that a consumer can place an order. The websites ranking high in terms of traffic are effective in their product display, gaining viewers’ attention and retaining the attention by providing informative content to them. Most of the popular skincare companies provided details on the product effectiveness, how it works and what is special in it which makes it effective. On the other hand the websites with low traffic have dull presentations of products; information is very limited or presented in uninteresting manner and dull color scheme of the website. There were visible difference in the way products were displayed and web pages were navigated in the websites that were receiving heavy flow of traffic. There were some known brands which have market reputation and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Concealed Carry Laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Concealed Carry Laws - Essay Example Sub-point 1: Crime rates are lower in states with concealed gun carry laws. Sub-point 2: Crime rates have not worsened in states with concealed gun carry laws. Main Point 2: Banning firearms does not reduce crimes. Sub-point 1: No positive association between gun ownership and violence. Sub-point 2: Studies do not show that gun control laws have reduced crimes. Main Point 3: Cross country history and experience show allowing concealed weapons carry does not make societies less peaceful. Sub-point 1: Among countries, gun control laws are not associated with peace. Sub-point 2: Gun ownership and murder rates are not correlated across countries. Conclusion Based on evidence, there is good basis not to reverse the gains American society has made in allowing the carry of concealed weapons for Americans to protect themselves. The advances in concealed weapons laws have been beneficial and not dangerous for America. Concealed weapon carry laws: Are they beneficial or dangerous for America? Introduction A center known for its being vocal against laws allowing the carry of concealed weapons, the Violence Policy Center, has pointed out that the â€Å"gun lobby’s priority has been establishing and expanding state laws that allow the carrying of concealed handguns by private citizens† (2009, p. 3). According to the center (2009, p. ... The Violence Policy Center has been very concerned and identified three key data on why concealed weapons carry laws are dangerous for America. First, according to the Violence Policy Center (2009, p. 4), â€Å" over the two-year period May 2007 through 2009, concealed handguns permit holders have slain seven law enforcement officers resulting in criminal charges or the suicide of the shooter.† Second, again according to the Violence Policy Center (2009, p. 4), â€Å"concealed handgun permit holders have slain at least 43 private citizens resulting in criminal charges or the suicide of the shooter.† And, third, according to the Violence Policy Center (2009, p. 4), â€Å"in six of the 30 incidents (20 percent), the concealed handgun permit holder killed himself, bringing the total fatality count to 56.† The Violence Policy Center’s concern for violence in America, particularly murders or homicide and suicide is certainly laudable. Indeed, it is the duty of today’s generation to see to it that every citizen is out of harm’s way. Indeed, it is an obligation of today’s generation of Americans to keep society safe and peaceful. Unfortunately, however, the basis for the Violence Policy Center’s concerns against the concealed weapons laws and the attribution the organization places on concealed weapons laws as responsible for the incidences of violence is anecdotal and unscientific. The Violence Policy Center’s arguments are like arguments that because consulting a doctor or being confined in a hospital have been associated with illness or death then society must ban doctors and hospitals because many people have died when they have

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Installation of CCTV in McDonalds Fast Food Chains in UK Essay

Installation of CCTV in McDonalds Fast Food Chains in UK - Essay Example Having established more than 30,000 fast food restaurants all over 121 countries around the world (BBC News, 2001), McDonald’s is considered as one of the largest global foodservice retailers today. Since the era of globalization, there are quite a lot of McDonald’s restaurants all over the world that operates 24/7. For this reason, McDonald’s restaurant has become one of the common places wherein criminal activities can take place. Serving almost 50 million customers each day, Andy Lane – McDonald’s region security manager created the urgency for the need to invest on the installation of closed circuit television system (CCTV) in each of the company-owned restaurants (Dallmeier, 2009). Right after convincing the top management that the use of digital video recorders could effectively protect their staff and customers from becoming a victim of crime, Dallmeier was again awarded the contract to install digital CCTV specifically within the southern regions of the United Kingdom. (Sims, 2008). Making it known to the public that McDonald’s is using a digital CCTV that are directed straight to nearby police stations could somehow make people think twice before committing a crime. As of 2011, McDonald’s managed to establish approximately 1,000 fast food restaurant outlets throughout the northern, central, and southern regions of the United Kingdom (Fujitsu, 2011; Sims, 2008). As reported b y Sims (2008), approximately 400 McDonald’s restaurants were established in the southern region. Specifically the business relationship between Dallmeier and McDonalds was established way back in 1999. Back then, Dallmeier was able to win the contract for the installation of analogue products in each of McDonalds’ restaurants in southern area (Sims, 2008). Basically, the shift from the use of analogue products to digital products such as digital CCTV was necessary to allow McDonalds gather some digital images which can be use for legal purposes. The study of project management strongly suggests the idea that having a clear planning process could empower the project managers to effectively manage and implement a successful project plan. Considering the importance of installing digital CCTV in each of McDonald’s fast food store outlet throughout the southern part of the United Kingdom, this report will tackle in details rationale behind the need on the part of Dal lmeier’s project manager to make use of a SMART metric, power and influence graph, risk exposure, activity network, three-point estimate, and project cash flow over the success of installing CCTV to approximately 400 fast food restaurants in the southern part of the UK market. A SMART Matrix The acronym SMART in a SMART goal matrix means that the project manager of Dallmeier should be able to come up with a project plan that is specific, has a measurable time table or schedule, is very much attainable, realistic and relevant to the installation of digital CCTV, and is within the proposed time bound (Kerzner, 2009: 296). In other words, given that the project manager of Dallmeier would come up with a non-specific and unrealistic project plan, the team members that is being headed by the Dallmeier’s project manager may end up being confused about what they really need to complete within a given project schedule. Coming up with a non-effective project plan may lead to a l ong-list of installation errors. As a result, there is a huge possibility wherein the cost of installing digital CCTV throughout the 400 McDonalds restaurant outlets throughout the southern part of UK may increase. This is probably due to a lot of unnecessary expenses which includes the installation of a wrong model of digital CCTV in a wrong spot. When this happen, the company may end up spending extra not only for the salary or wages of the team

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Definition for analysis Essay Example for Free

Definition for analysis Essay Sexual violence in general, especially rape has numerous consequences, including physical injury, psychosocial trauma, and unwanted pregnancies, fistulae and HIV/AIDS infection. The data show that most women did not seek any medical care after they had been raped. There were simply no appropriate health services available or they felt ashamed, were too sick or lived too far away to seek emergency assistance in the first days following the incident. As treatment has become possible, the medical consequences of such widespread sexual violence are becoming apparent. Four interviewees of the sample had HIV/AIDS and 6 sexually transmitted diseases (STI) as result of rape that increases the risk of HIV/AIDS in addition to being a source of chronic pain, STIs may lead to infertility. Physical injury from sexual violence can be very serious, especially in young girls. It was estimated that the HIV prevalence in Kisangani could reach 20%. Sexual violence is likely to have been a significant contributory factor to this increase. 7 respondents had the unwanted pregnancies as a result of rape. 3 of them made unsafe abortions that caused a grave STI. MSF Kisangani has seen cases of pelvic inflammatory disease almost certainly arising from such procedures. Other reproductive health problems reported have included interruptions or abnormalities to the menstrual cycle or delayed conception. Decreased sexual desire or pain during sex is particularly common and very damaging to family and relationships. â€Å". One night, a group of armed men came to loot our house. They took me and the †¦. , I was raped by four of them. I thought I was going to die. The next day †¦ asked us for money. †¦to offer. † †¦ were raped again – by all of them. I was pregnant †¦, I miscarried. Since then, I felt a lot of pain in the body, especially in the abdomen and in the back. I feel weak and I can’t sleep at night, during the day whenever I see uniform men in front of me, I am terrified. † Some rape victims have reported to MSF that they believed they were pregnant when subjected to sexual violence. Of 51 patients allegedly pregnant at the time of the rape, almost 35 per cent reported having had a problematic pregnancy as a consequence. The consequences included immediate or delayed miscarriage, neo-natal death, or an infant with congenital abnormalities. The joint program provides medical treatment to those women who have experienced sexual violence. Emergency contraceptive pills are given to prevent pregnancy and Post Emergency Prophylaxis (PEP) is given to help prevent the possible transmission of HIV/AIDS to women who present themselves within 72 hours after the rape happened. Physical injury most rape victims report some kind of physical injury such as pain all over the body and in particular areas where they have been beaten with fists, weapons or sticks. Many complain of joint pains to the hip and back when their legs have been extensively and violently spread out. The pain experienced at the time of the incident has left its stubborn mark even years after the rape – on both the victims’ bodies and minds. Survivors feel weak, sick, soiled, and even despite a lack of physical pathology the scar persists. Sexual and gender-based violence prevention and response from â€Å"the joint initiative† demands that the health system partially destroyed during conflicts must be restored. This will contribute significantly to peace building nationwide. â€Å"I didn’t see a doctor in my first moment of rape, I have to walk about five hour to reach the centre and I was so exhausted about what happened to me there is not enough medical care, actually I am pregnant from this rape. I can never tell the child who is his father and how he is conceived, this child will hate himself I have my sister this is more lucky because when happen to her his son has a bike and he conduct her in the medical centre and she took the PEP kit medicine† The lack of capacity in terms of medical personnel and basic equipment are impediments to fully taking into account the needs of victims who often live in remote and inaccessible areas. â€Å"I was the favourite for my father and now I am nothing, he banishes me from the home but because of the mediation. I return home. I was engaged, as my fiance pay the custom allowed him to visit me with his friend and in my turn I can walk with my friend when he is returned home. That night after my fiance and his friend leave, my friends and I was attacked by 3 men’s. My friends escaped but I fallen down, then it happen When my family came for rescue everything was done I am stigmatized, my fiance broke our engagement because I am not virgin anymore, for my father I will not find a husband so he could have my dowry† The above is the narration by the 15 years old in the process less than 6 months. This discourse is similar to 5 others victims aged 12 to 18, due to the tradition the â€Å"virginity† seems to be very important for the girl for any marriage. The data show objectivity of girl’s sexual violation is automatically rejected as if her value is linked to this virginity â€Å"I couldn’t remember how I came here in this centre (Leezadel) . They told me that a man brought me in his bike. But I do remember what happen to me and my husband. They asked him to have a sex with our 10 year old girl and he refused so the two of them raped her and they beat my husband and me because we tried to help our child. They cut my husband’s penis and they introduced it in my child vagina. Then they took me to there camp and raped me about five times a day. I became sick and also crazy, I’m here about one year and they almost saved my brain and I think that now I could be considered as a human being, yes now I’ m a human being† Each woman came with her own and unique story of being completely damaged in addition to physical injuries, victims experience psychological trauma (such as stigma, family rejection for the victim and children born out of rape, marital separation, fear, and mental depression). Indeed, rape violates the privacy of the victim, destroys self-esteem and creates fears that need to be assuaged. Psychosocial support and economic reintegration help the victim regain self-esteem and become an active member in the development and reconstruction of the country. Family reconciliation is a requirement for community and national reconciliation. Peace cannot be achieved without peace in the hearts and souls of the victims of sexual and gender-based violence. Mental and emotional healing blazes a trail for forgiveness, a prerequisite for peace. The fight against poverty and economic exclusion also facilitates peace building â€Å"The centre really helps me to get out from my nightmare but I couldn’t build any life as my family and my husband is ashamed about me because I didn’t hide what happened to me. The centre tried mediation but it didn’t work as they all banished me. Now a beginning to feel normal again even I know that men will never touch me again, the centre promised a machine-tool when I will finished my training in dressmaking. But there is nothing until now I finished my training long time ago I have a child from my rape that I have to take care and it is not easy† The data analysis shows that lack of the economic reinsertion by government or by NGO’s. â€Å"I know those men who rape me but I will never go to see any lawyer because they will kill me and my parent, they told me that I couldn’t do nothing to them because they are from the Presidential armed (G). I know some of women who went to the justice and nothing is done as yet† The data analysis shows that there is a real lack of justice for the victims. For example until July 2005 during this internship there is no condemnation for any predator in Kisangani except for a 7 year old orphan child that I met who was raped several time by one soldier in the camp where she is living with her father and her 2 year old sister. A colonel raped almost ten children in this camp, once this colonel was caught raping a child 5 year old. The father of the 7 year old went to justice he was followed by the other parents. The criminal was arrested but few days later he ran away from the prison with help of his influential cousin who was the administrator of the camp and now the cousin is using his influence to harass the father of victims. This history reflects the real situation of the legal system all over the country. For the first time, justice makes a public condemnation of a soldier who mass raped in the village Makobola in South Kivu in Eastern province involving a public rape of 70 women. According to Amnesty International annual report 2006, DRC is suffering from impunity and lack of access to justice. Despite systematic violations of human rights, hardly any suspected perpetrators were brought to justice. No effort was made to exclude individuals suspected of grave human rights abuses from the new army, and people allegedly responsible for crimes under international law and other human rights abuses assumed key positions in the army and transitional institutions [104].

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Criteria For Evaluating Strategic Alternative Marketing Essay

The Criteria For Evaluating Strategic Alternative Marketing Essay This strategic plan is prepared by IM Smart Management Consulting Firm and will start off examining Googles external environmental influences. Next, in-depth assessment on the industrys competitive five forces which affect Googles profitability will be done. Lastly, Googles internal strength and weaknesses will be analyzed to generate its competitive implication. From these analyses, we discovered that Google will face legal and performance issues due to its offensive strategy in the long run. We have developed three strategic alternatives (Strategic Alliances, Defensive Strategies and Broadening Diversification Base) which Google can adopt to enhance its competitive position. The plan will be concluded with a recommended strategic alternative and its pitfalls. EXTERNAL ANALYSIS PEST Analysis After conducting PEST and Porter Analysis for Google, we have derived at the following: Political: The expansion of Google was obstructed by the government such as US and Chinese authority. They viewed Google as a monopoly and request authority to monitor its activities (Google, 2009). However, this barrier does not affect Googles operations as Google responded immediately to the customers by addressing its policies in regard to political/legal aspects. Example: Google China announced that it is still providing filtered search results on its website to fulfill the censor search results policy (China Daily, 2010). Economic: Google focuses on highly targeted, measurable advertising, thus making it more successful than other competitors. The crucial need to stay up to date and continuously connected keeps its core services vibrant despite the parched surroundings due to economic recession (Google, 2010). Social-Cultural: Individuals are getting more educated and competent. Therefore lifestyle and demand of individuals are changing rapidly. Google has to take note of such changes in order to compete with its competitors by providing addition services such as email. Individual are also increasingly becoming more connected due to the increased means of communication available through the internet such as MSN, face book and mobile phone with internet capability. Google has responded by building their mobile devices and released its own Android Mobile Phone Platform and Operating System. By tapping on these, Google shall have great advantage with increased number of search queries and better competitive standing. Technological: The widespread diffusion of information and communication technology allows board geographic dispersion and integration of business activists. Innovative web applications set trends in search, internet direct advertising and portable applications thus causing a more rapid and disruptive change in technology. Google has to take detailed measures to stay ahead by keeping pace with technology advancement and maintains low cost (Refer to Exhibit A for Overview of PEST analysis). Porter 5 Forces Analysis Buyers: The bargaining power is high. The lifestyle of users on using the search tool is becoming more sophisticated and demanding. Substitutes are easily available at lower cost or even free. Example: Google online photo storage priced at $5 per year for 20GB, but face book provided it for free. Google are required to satisfy both client groups equally. Example: organizations customers would prefer their advertisement broadcasting in big banner on the webpage; however, individual customers will feel very disturbing as they just want the search results. Substitute: The bargaining power is high as buyers switching cost is low. There are plenty of replacements such as advertisement on television, radio, magazine, poster and search hotline. Suppliers: The bargaining power is low. Google is regionally not globally dominant and hardware purchases are one-time off. Google search is heavily depending on its competitors Microsoft and Apple software. If there are any new software releases from them, Google search may not perform well if no timely update is done. Potential entrants: The bargaining power is low. Yahoo and Microsoft have improved their search engines and can on pass their search tool through their products. There is no specific requirement for search engine, thus a better search engine invented by another will critically affect Google. Also, the monitoring of authority from its political environment could affect Googles current technology and philosophy. Competitors: The bargaining power is high. There is no patent on search engine so the environment can be easily exploited or manipulated. The switching cost is low. Example: Microsoft and Apple have embedded their search tool into their Explorer browser. Also, rival search tools have their own unique strength (Such as Yahoo attracts audience by its nice appearance). (Refer to Exhibit B for Overview of Porter 5 forces analysis) INTERNAL ANALYSIS (VIRO Analysis) We have observed that Googles net revenue keeps growing from 2001- 2008. Since the 2004 IPO, the stock price has soars from less than $100 to above $700. The number of Internet users keeps increasing around the world, especially Asia. As the number one Internet search giant, Google attract majority of the new Internet users to be its customers. Google understands customer demand and monitor how individual lifestyle is changing rapidly each day. This understanding allows Googles business strategy to outshine among its competitors. Overall, we think that Googles business strategy works excellent at present but better strategic alternatives need to be in place. After conducting Google internal analysis, we have concluded the following: Value: Google owns the Page-Rank technology, which allows them to provide the most accurate search results. The dominant market share and huge loyalty from customers gives Google competitive advantages. Rarity: The services provided by Google are not rare. Many other companies also offer alternative services such as search, email, blog, video sharing, online office application and cloud computing. Imitability: All Googles services can be imitated. For example: the Microsoft Bing Search engine has incorporated several elements of the Google search: The Simple UI, sponsor link, and page ranking. Organization: Google has strong financial power, research and development capabilities. The company is ready to delivery new products to stay competitive, or acquire potential competitors to eliminate threats. PROBLEM STATEMENT We have observed that the main problem with Google is that the offensive strategies to improve its market shares/performance will lead to severe problems in the future. Google faces increasingly intensive competition from experienced incumbents like Microsoft, Social networks and Baidu which had been gaining popularity within the Asia region. They will always be active in making fresh moves to increase or solidify their market position. With Google trying to dominate the cloud computing and search engine markets, this long-term strategy is backfiring with incumbents developing similar, if not, improved strategies to retain their market standing. In the long run, Googles plan to become the dominant provider of cloud computing might also lead legal suits and privacy concerns. With increasing use of virtual server hosting, more enterprise networks, servers and data storages run virtually. Even when good security protection methods were employed, important data will still be vulnerable and can be monitored for unauthorized uses. This will lead to data security issues like information used for unintended purpose and data disruption/loss in the event of natural disasters. CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING STRATEGIC ALTERNATIVE Strategic alternatives must be able to create growth opportunities with high return of investment. Hambrick Fredrickson (2001) have mentioned that strategies are an integrated; overarching concept of how business will achieve its objectives. Therefore we recommend that Google evaluate its strategic alternatives by looking at its vehicles (how Google wants to gets there, including alliances); staging (Google speed and sequence of actions); and economic logic (how profits and returns will be generated). STRATEGIC ALTERNATIVES AND EVALUATION Strategic Alliances with other enterprises It is futile for Google to fight head with head against equally skilled competitors as its offensive strategic approaches will causes disruption its dominance in innovation in the long run. Hence, we recommend that Google alter their strategy and join forces with its competitors to add-value to its resources and capabilities (Refer to Exhibit C). With strategic alliance, Google can engage in a mutual formal relationship with two or more organizations and join forces strategically to achieve collaborative valuable strategic outcomes. It allows joint contribution of resources, capabilities, shared risk, shared control and mutual dependence. Aim of strategic alliance is for Google to achieve synergy where benefits from the alliance will be greater than those from individual efforts. Google will be able to improve market access via global marketing alliance to have more breakthroughs in international markets such as China. The new partnerships will also bring about faster and better development of new technologies/products to improve competitive position. With alliance, Google can overcome deficits in expertise and creates new competitive capabilities by bringing together unique personnel of each partner. Lastly, it will help Google to achieve economies of scale and achieve better efficiency (Gamble Thompson, 2011). Defensive Strategies to Protect Company Market Position Another alternative that we recommend will be for Google to adopt defensive strategy (Refer to Exhibit D) to enrich its competitive position. The purpose of defensive strategies is to lower the risk of being attacked, weaken the impact of any attack that occurs and influence challengers to aim their efforts at other rivals. There are two forms Google can take if defensive strategies are used. The two forms are blocking the avenues open to challenges and signaling to potential challengers that retaliation is likely. For example: if Google were to choose to block the avenues open to challenges it has to be more innovative and be more receptive in learning culture differences while embarking on businesses with the Chinese in China. China is a country that contains massive human resources with creative minds. Hence to block any new invention or products being produced, Google need to act fast by thinking differently and enhanced its research and development by being more unique and allowing creativity to flourish. If Google were to choose in practicing the latter, its leaders need to be more vocal by publicly announcing managements commitment to maintain the firms market share, publicly committing the firm to a policy of matching competitors terms or prices or maintaining a war chest of cash and marketable securities. However, Google must not be too vocal in a foreign land, especially China is highly unadvisable as Chinese do not enjoy firms that are too vocal and do not know the meaning of modesty. As a result, Google can end up losing its market share totally (Gamble and Thompson, 2011). Broadening the Diversification Base We think that it is important for Google to diversify into a new business with its existing products as it offers the potential to strengthen and build a better competitive advantage. Google is facing risk due to the increasing power of incumbent like social networks, which inevitably affect the search industry (For example: Facebook has search function in their website). Thus through diversification, Google can tap into the mobile world and reposition itself in the market by improving features offered by Android. We also recommend utilizing and incorporating Googles existing services such as Google Images and Google Maps to broaden the companys diversification base with new technologies in the market. In our daily course of work as consultants, we came across a new technology known as the Bokodes. This latest technology provides users with a more interactive approach to information at anywhere and anytime. It opens up a new range of applications in the areas of tagging, user interaction and near field communication. Google can also create an application using Bokode technology that reference to its current services such as Google Images or Google Maps (Refer to Exhibit E.) These can typically result in extensive co-marketing by giving Google many opportunities to widen its share of banner/video ads which in return builds more revenues as well as to be the pioneer in offering an innovative approach to consumers (Gamble Thompson, 2011). RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVES/ EVALUATION AND LIMITATION Among the three suggested alternatives, we recommend that Google implements the defensive strategy. It is futile for Google to fight head with head against its competitors so defensive strategy will minimize the impact of rivals attack moves. This alternative will not cause much disruption and trade-off to Googles operation. As Google has already a large market base for its existing innovative products, it should focus its existing product categories in a specific market segment/geographic area. In addition, Google has innovative people and they have dynamic capabilities and core competencies to strive for continuous improvement and develop breakthrough defensive strategies. We will undertake a SWOT analysis (Refer to Exhibit F) to evaluate strength, opportunities and limitation (Weaknesses and Threats) for this alternative. CONCLUSION In conclude, Google is a firm that has great potential to expand its market position. However, expansion is not an easy task and it takes great strategy and meticulous planning for Google to achieve its objectives. Hence Google need to adopt an open mind in conducting its businesses and practice a strategy that will benefit them in the long run. Exhibit A (Overview of PEST Analysis) Political / Legal Regulation by US and China government Sensitive data to be leak to terrorism, such as bomb making / map Legal suit against Google for 3rd parties content and privacy such as Google map Pest Analysis Google strategy Technology Maintains competitive prices with advance technology Suit the social lifestyle such as photo sharing, search trend Allow more business from all over the world to using internet Ensure technology do not overstep to unnecessary legal issues Hardware getting cheaper Economic Survival during 2009 financial crisis High focus on advertisement Seen threat as opportunity, such as crisis. Individual are more keen on job search and financial new. Google will be their priority search Social No age limit Life style changing Individual are more educated Demand increasing such as addition service, photo sharing, email, storage More individual to own computer / mobile phone. Entrant: Low Technology easy to replicate. No specific standard for search engine Large customer base, Low switching cost Capital requirement is minimum No geographic restriction Authority is monitoring Google activities Supplier: Low Supplier is limited Supplier is also competitor, such as Microsoft, Apple Google is heavily dependable on Microsoft and Apple OS Supplier has more control than Google Competitor: High Easy to replicate Switching cost is low or free Supplier is also their competitor which are well informed of their product Competitor has their own unique strength Buyer/Customer: High Customer lifestyle is changing rapidly Switching cost is low or free Customer with all different demands Customer are well inform of the price Many competitors to choose. Substitutes: High Advertisement on traditional method Newspapers, media, radio, search hotline Switching cost is low Exhibit B (Overview of Porter 5 Forces Analysis) Exhibit C (Suggested Plans for Strategic Alliances and Benefits) Alliance between Google and Microsoft: Microsoft has improvise their Live search, Semantic Search capability and own approach to cloud computing to compete with Googles offensive strategy in substitute products. Semantic search engines will be the biggest threat to Google as it outshines its search engine by attaining more relevant search results thus threatening its core business by building a new search engine empire. Microsoft acquired a firm in the semantic field but the present technology has many limitations. Therefore, we recommend that Google reach a development alliance to fully develop this search engine. Google has highly capable people who are innovative, the joint effort will bury the hatch and make Semantic search a more powerful tool. With the alliance, both can incorporate this fully developed technology into their products, creating a win-win situation. The two companies can also collaborate together in cloud clouting whereby Google can use web based Microsoft Office (instead of Google web based software applications). Apart from having a great search engine and endless innovations, Google is still relatively new to applications that require high amount of user interactions. Tapping onto Microsofts cosmic experiences in technologies which drive the famous Windows and Office suites, Google will undoubtedly benefit from Microsofts vast resources and branding. As Cloud clouting will also lead to higher risk of privacy lawsuits, the collaboration will allow development of a better security program with encryption keys which provides reliable capacity in the cloud can be injected to prevent intrusions, resulting in reduced risks for both in authenticity issues. Alliance between Google and China Companies: China has tight internet regulatory controls which put Chinese companies like Baidu at advantage. In addition, Chinese companies will understand local culture better and can create products which will appeal to the Chinese more. Hence, it will be beneficial for Google to enter into alliance with Chinese partners to have exploit knowledge on product market in order to tap on more china market shares and enhance competitive standing. To start the process, we recommend that they collaborate with partners (example: search engine and social media) on marketing as it will entail finding out what the china market wants and also build on knowledge with its resource market. From there, Google can customize and through their sales partners, market to whole of China in a cost effective manner. For example: free download videos from the Internet are very popular in China. Perhaps, Google together with partners can make available free western Hollywood movies to China. This will help bolster its video offering/advertising revenues for ads display during the video. Other than that, they can sell Google phones or other smart phones bundled with Google/Android operating system. This will help them improve their mobile search market shares, banner ads and video ads within the China market. Exhibit D (Illustration of Putting Defensive Strategies in Its Place for Google) Google could revisit its strategy plan on an ongoing basis so as to improve its return on investment and position in the technology industry. Projected is the recommended strategy plan in adopting defensive strategy. Strategic Analysis Industry analysis Trends in the users preference, especially in search engine usage, advertising and China market Environment forecast (internal/external) Analyzing competitors development esp. from Baidu Assessment of Google SWOT diagram Mission Google purpose Google values Objectives Specific targets (for example to be more innovative and creative in the search engine specialty internationally). Supporting Organizational Arrangements Structure Process Policies and profiles Googles creative/innovative personnel Rewards/benefits Activities Strategy (Defensive) Concept on how Google will execute the defensive strategy to improve market position Exhibit E Bokode: Imperceptible Visual Tags for Camera Based Interaction from a Distance (Data adopted from MIT Media Lab, 2009) It is a camera-based interaction technology which an ordinary camera can detect small optical tags from a comparatively far distance. Consisting of a low-cost optical design whereby the tags reduces up to 3mm visible diameter, unmodified ordinary camera several meters away can be set up to decode the identity plus relative distance and angle. Bokode use intelligent binary coding to estimate the relative distance and angle to the camera and show potential for application in augmented reality and motion capture. A user who is standing right in front of a shop wants to find out information about the shop and its surroundings. Hence, he did a search by using his camera phone to tag onto an image of the shop that has a visual Bokode tag embedded on its signboard. His mobile phone that has a built-in Bokode reader enables the user to gather information in a form of indifferent directions such as providing information about restaurants nearby, hotels information, transportation guide or it says the other brand of cereal are selling at a dollar cheap at the other supermarket store This technology can works in a wide variety of ways including classrooms, public places, print advertisement, outdoor billboards, product packaging and labels. Exhibit F SWOT Analysis of Googles adopting Defensive Strategy Strength Innovative and creative workforce. Workforce has strong passion in what they do and monetary value is not really an issue. Hence Google will be able to defend fast. Strong brand reputation so trusted by consumers. So it better for Google to build defense using existing products/services. Google leaders are young entrepreneurs hence acting fast/defensive may not be an issue to them. Weaknesses Competitor (Baidu) has superior access to distribution channels. Innovations are relatively easy to be imitated so good defensive tools might be duplicated. Google has a history of having offensive strategies which can cause the company to lose large amount of revenues. Google has too many services in order to dominate search marketing and be ahead of others to gain competitive advantage but some of these services are not widely used. Hence, being defensive they have to be more focus in developing the correct defensive tool. Opportunities Massive human resource in China to fully develop good defensive strategy (ability to tap on Chinese creative minds to enhance Google research base). Strategic alliances to join forces (Defensive) instead of fighting against competitors. New product incorporation (example: Bokodes) thus creating good alternative to develop its defensive strategy. Threats Imitation is a norm in China so competitors will still be fast enough to match any defensive strategy. Uncertainty in the external environment that is beyond control therefore comprehensive defensive strategy will still backfire. Chinese users are more loyal to local company resulting in smaller market share for Google (Defensive strategy in China backfires).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The road to democracy was neither straight nor smooth. :: essays research papers

The pathway to achieving a government of social equality in Greece was not without difficulties and deviations. Breaking aristocratic power and influence and giving power to the common people was a process full of many obstructions and difficulties. As J.M Roberts put it  ¡Ã‚ ¥democracy emerged out of Athens unexpectedly and at first almost unobserved ¡Ã‚ ¦ (Roberts, J.M, 2002 p. 196). The changes that took place in their politics were gradual and therefore it was influenced by many rulers, events and mistakes. Although steps were taken backward in the course of democracy, the people of Athens learnt from these mistakes and strived for a better way of ruling their state. The road to democracy was a slow and plodding development. Early signs that a democracy could emerge in Athens came from them adopting egalitarian attitudes and ideas from the other city states, the colonies abroad and the hoplite phalanx. The Athenians embraced values from the city states around them. In Sparta, a citizen was a member of society who was automatically entitled to certain (even if few) rights. This mindset of equality was later adopted by the Athenians. They also took on some Spartan ¡Vtype equality values concerning warfare. Colonisation also had important social and political repercussions on the Greek homeland. Colonisation softened the Greeks and opened their mind to different cultures, ideas and forms of Government. Some men must have returned to Greece after living in colonies, bringing with them new ideas and impressions on how to run a political government (Roberts J.M, 2002). The hoplite phalanx was also a great influence on the values and principles to whi ch democracy came to be based on. Broader participation was introduced and  ¡Ã‚ ¥relying on each ¡Ã‚ ¦,  ¡Ã‚ ¥working together ¡Ã‚ ¦ and  ¡Ã‚ ¥fighting as one ¡Ã‚ ¦ were all concepts that were imperative to the hoplites (Roberts J.M, 2002). It was over about three centuries that these changes of growth and development were made. So although the Athenians were moving forward in establishing an innovative form of government called democracy, it was a slow and protracted process. The road to democracy was not easy and straightforward, for many of the citizens were not accepting of the changes being made. Many good leaders such as Solon had started to weaken aristocratic privilege and give rich traders and manufacturers as much power as the nobles. Solon was the bringer of social justice; he allowed all citizens to prosecute wrongdoers in public lawsuits (JH Routledge, 2000).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Concept of Corruption in the Western Societies Essay -- gift giving

Introduction This paper will go over public corruption and how it is viewed and the obstacles that develop from it. It will show that in western parts of the world corruption is not accepted but in other parts of the country it is. This paper well go over what I agree with and do not agree with about corruption. It will also show how some gift giving traditions by some officials to be used to take advantage of their countries people. Corruption means different things to different people it could be somebody paying someone to move their police application ahead of people before them. It could mean that a contractor giving a code inspector tickets to a play that had been sold out for weeks. It could be someone giving money to the person in charge of government contracts. Corruption can be many things not just government officials getting money to benefit them self’s. The Webster’s Dictionary defined it as the inducement of wrong by an improper or unlawful means, as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. (Mariam- Webster online Dictionary (2009). When most people think of corruption they think of bribery, Nepotism, fraud, embezzlement. Bribery most of the time is the police officer taking money for a ticket or to look the other way during a crime. Nepotism is normally a public official allowing his relative or neighbor to do something that he would cite someone else for. Fraud is like someone g etting money from the government for food while working and lying about it. Embezzlement is when someone takes money or any property from a government or business. There can be different types of corruption between political and administrative corruption. The administrative type of corruption has to do with polices such as someone gett... ...corrupt because of the big benefit to change their lives by money or gifts and the thought that they will not be caught. They also believe if they are caught they will not get a very hard penalty for the crime. There are counties that believe in gift giving and receiving monies as a sign of showing respect and honor to them. In our county we see it as gift giving is a miss use of an officials trust that the people empowered them with. It also shows their doing this for their own personal benefit. The public will not accept this from any official in any office with in the city, state or the federal government. It could take years for these government to build trust back with the people they serve. Works Cited Delattre, E. (2011). Character and Cops: Ethics in Policing [VitalSouce bookshelf version]. Retrieved from

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Symbol, Allusion, and Myth in Irving Laytons Rhine Boat Trip Essay

Symbol, Allusion, and Myth in Irving Layton's Rhine Boat Trip  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "...haunted/by the ghosts of Jewish mothers/looking for their ghostly Children" (Layton). Though physical evidence of the Holocaust is now slightly limited, as time tends to destroy the tangible, the cry for justice and the remembrance of systematic genocide by a sadistic people enacting ignorant dogma will ring indefinitely throughout the world. Humanity will always be guilty of the atrocities that it instigates. Irving Layton, in his poem, Rhine Boat Trip, depicts the eternal evidence of the Nazi Crime, a stain of culpability that is reducible from all who have witnessed it. Layton is able to portray the onus of this horrific event through his employment of symbolism, allusion, and myth. The everlasting, inescapable pain of the Holocaust is so imbedded in our culture that our senses can become paralyzed by the enormity of its reverberation through the years since the last chimney fire in Aushwitz was snuffed. Through his use of symbolism, Layton is able to -it a picture in the minds of his readers, one that juxtaposes the subject matter with his choice of diction. Beginning with the title, Rhine Boat Trip, symbolism is installed in the poem. A boat trip on the Rhine is thought to be a journey through the ultimate bucolic paradise. What is encountered on this scenic route; however is far from the ideal vacation experience. Layton creates an ironic dichotomy between a life of luxury and intense human suffering. When the boat visits castles along the Rhine, its passengers are really witnessing the remnants of wealth accumulated by the Nazis from slave labor in concentration camps, a cruel practice that quickly stimulated the struggling German econom... ...rnatural power. Even the voices of the Lorelei, which sailors could not drown out of their ears, are ineffectual and in audible when the beauty of nature is tainted by the barbarity it has given   to, forever reminded of the supremacist desire that went too far. Even the most serene places of the Rhine, are filled of reminders of a massive suffering and a people who could not face the truth of the wickedness found in the Aryan race for dominance. Irving Layton's poem, Rhine Boat Tdp, depicts the immortality of the legacy left by those who were murdered, a legacy of remembrance they left in every breath of humanity, eternally seared with its guilt. Layton illustrates his message by expertly using literary devices such as symbolism, allusion, and myth. He is able to paint in the mind of the reader an unforgettable picture of human flaw and the karma of crime.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Wa Student Duty of Care Policy

Memo for The Department of Education and Training, Western Australia (DETWA) To: All School Principals within the DETWA. Subject: A GUIDE TO HELP PARENT’S UNDERSTAND, THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION & TRAINING, DUTY OF CARE POLICY FOR STUDENTS. Please find enclosed a detailed guide to helping your parents / caregivers understand the â€Å"Duty of Care Policy for Students†. This guide is an analysis of the policy document noting the key points that are easily understood by parents.The report will also detail two scenarios providing examples of situations that can occur at any school and an action plan response to each scenario by following the duty of care policy guidelines. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 0 Introduction 2. 0 Background regarding the policy & Part 1 -Document Analysis 3. 0 Duty of Care explanation 4. 0 Reasonable Care explanation 5. 0 Key points to note 6. 0 Part 2 -Action Plans 7. 0 Scenario 1 & action plan response 8. 0 Scenario 2 & action plan res ponse 9. 0 Conclusion / Personal Reflection 0. 0 References 1. 0 Introduction As parents, the â€Å"Duty of Care† policy is more than likely decidedly foreign. From here many questions, no doubt will arise? Why did the Western Australian government put this in place for their Department of Education and Training? What significance does this document have towards my children, parents may also be thinking? So many thoughts and questions have no doubt once or twice crossed a parents mind. I am sure some may not even be aware of this documents existence. 2. Background regarding the policy & Part 1 – Document Analysis To answer these imminent questions above, the significance of this report is to offer the Parents of Western Australian students attending primary and secondary schools, a further understanding. The Western Australian Government wrote the policy so that it would be implemented within the Department of Education WA and then handed down to all teachers. The docu ment became effective on the 26/06/2007 and updated 02/08/2012. (Department of Education and Training, Western Australia (DETWA), 2012,1). As noted by the Department of Education and Training, Western Australia (2012,3)† this policy was created to ensure that all teaching staff, non teaching staff and volunteers know their legal responsibilities in ensuring reasonable care occurred to maintain the safety and wellbeing of all students whilst in their care and avoid acts that may result in injury. This policy is not just limited to within the school grounds but also outside school grounds, excursions and activities that fall under the care and guidance of school teachers, regardless of where the activity or lesson may occur. 3. 0 Duty of care explanationWhat is the Duty of Care? Newnham (2000, 2) describes the Duty of care as a legal concept that was put in place under the Common Law, and it is well established in education regulations. 4. 0 Reasonable Care explanation with key points to note What is Reasonable Care? The Department of Education and Training, Western Australia, (2012, 3) also describe reasonable care as a situation that will always vary according to the overall circumstances involved. Teachers are to assess the â€Å"reasonableness† of the level of care needed by noting the following probabilities that can interfere or affect the outcome of care.These probabilities are; * The school activity and its nature. * The environment upon which the activity will occur in, therefore the teacher must assess the risk, if any, involved. * Pre-existing medical conditions, like allergies, epilepsy, diabetes. * Ages and skills of the students. * Physical or Intellectual impairments & Behavioural issues 5. 0 Key points to note There are some other key points that the Duty of Care policy would acknowledge. These include that a principal or teacher must ensure that all department employees must hold the necessary identification and qualifications requi red including non teaching staff.Also, volunteers and the like must also possess a working with children check card. The details of this policy and how this check can be completed is found via the following government website, http://www. checkwwc. wa. gov. au/checkwwc The importance of having such a policy is to protect both student and teacher and offer the teacher clear, concise guidelines on what â€Å"duty of care† is expected of teaching staff to reduce the chance of negligence and possible legal implications.A highly topical direct quote included below is from abstract, Newnham, (2000, 1) is particularly pertinent to this report and extremely beneficial to take note: â€Å"The law is increasing affecting the practice of education. The most likely reason a teacher or school will face legal action is in negligence where a student has been injured while under the school’s protection. This may occur in a variety of settings.To satisfy the elements of the tort of ne gligence the student who becomes in law the plaintiff must prove that a duty of care was owed, that the duty was breached, by not maintaining the appropriate standard and that the injury was a reasonably foreseeable consequence of that breach of duty. It would be rare for a teacher to face criminal charges but it could happen if a teacher had an intention to harm or acted recklessly. † (Newnham 2000, 1) The policy document also offers guidelines for parents and caregivers and their responsibilities for their children before and after school care time slots and whilst on school grounds.This will clearly advise the parent / caregiver the times for when their children will and will not be supervised and offer a guide as to whether the student is protected or not under the school’s duty of care policy. 6. 0 Part 2 – Action Plans Below are action plans that a teacher in the following scenarios could note and introduce to ensure that the teacher is consistently adherin g to the Western Australian Government and the Department of Education & Training’s, Duty of Care Policy. 7. 0 Scenario 1 & Action Plan A student is consistently interrupting other students during a classroom lesson.In dealing with this student’s interruptions, the teacher sends the student out of the classroom for ‘timeout’. The teacher tells the student to wait outside the classroom door until asked to return to the room. This reprimanded student is no longer in the teacher’s view. The scenario above notes that the teacher involved has not exercised her duty of care and could be seen to be negligent as the student was no longer in the teachers view. As per notes from Newnham, (2000,46) the teacher has a duty of care to ensure that they are providing adequate supervision and no longer being in view is detrimental to this.The teacher was no doubt disappointed in the student and his associated behaviour but asking the student to leave for timeout cou ld have been handled in a more appropriate way. As per the teachers duty of care policy (Department of Education and Training, Western Australia, 2012, 3) the teacher needed to provide a suitable disciplinary action that ensured the student remained in full view. Otherwise by no longer being in view, the student could have harmed or injured, himself and the teacher would possibly be held responsible for not following the act of reasonable care and therefore classed as being negligent.The teacher could have opted for a variety of disciplinary actions from as painless as giving the timeout punishment and asking the student to remain in the far corner of the classroom until notified or the teacher could have phoned the principal’s office and asked that the principal come and escort the student to the office to remain in timeout whilst in a supervised environment. 8. 0 Scenario 2 & Action Plan A first year student teacher accompanies a supervising teacher out on duty at lunch tim e.While on playground duty, an incident occurs that requires the supervising teacher to accompany a student to the administration block, which is not within the supervision area. The supervising teacher asks the student teacher to remain on duty for her as she tends to the dilemma. This would mean the student teacher would be the only teacher supervising the designated play area at this time. Firstly Newhman, (2000, 49) notes that if the incident was indeed severe enough, ensure that the nature of the incident was documented.Other details that would need to be included in the incident report would be with who was present at the time in the events leading up to and when taking place. This will ensure that if further issue is raised, the teacher can be at ease that they have completed the right steps to ensure that negligence did not take place. Secondly, under the Duty of Care policy (Department of Education and Training, Western Australia, 2012, 3) the teacher should have clarified with the student teacher if they were comfortable to be left to undertake the primary care of the remaining students and be given the right to refuse.If refused, the student teacher would have been best to escort the student to the administration block or even more so the student teacher could have quickly alerted another teacher to come and assist the situation at hand and escort the student or takeover the supervisory role. 9. 0Conclusion & Personal Reflection Whilst reading through the DETWA Duty of Care Policy for Students, I was certainly not aware of the importance of one component of the policy document.The component I was not aware of was that as a teacher, I should be ensuring that any student teacher, non teaching staff or volunteer who may assist in my classroom, has the right to refuse the role of undertaking primary care of the students. If I had to leave the classroom or area where the class was being conducted, I must first ask this pertinent question of â€Å"Are yo u comfortable if I leave the room for said period of time? † This question was simply was not something that I gave much thought to.When I thought about this more, I realised it actually is common courtesy, to simply, ask first and then I will ensure the level of comfort of the other person helping is ascertained. I know that this element of the Duty of Care policy will be something I personally will take on board and remember to use within my classroom. In summary, the Western Australian Government’s, Duty of Care policy is undoubtedly a particularly crucial document. It’s a crucial document that all Western Australian Teacher’s who are employed within the Department of Education & Training, need to follow. As I ecome a teacher, this policy is simply another tool that I as a teacher, must concur with and abide by at all times, whilst the students are under my care. A Student’s safety is one of the most respected trusts that a caregiver / parent wil l ask of me as their child’s teacher. To ensure that I do not lose that vital trust placed in me, it will be essential that I follow these set guidelines from this document. I should also consistently using common sense, adhere to school policy and I then should never have to be concerned with the legalities of negligence and that my students should always be cared for well. Word count 1744) 10. 0 References The Government of Western Australia, (2012) Department of Education & Training: Duty of Care for Students. Western Australia: Retrieved from http://det. wa. edu. au/policies/detcms/policy-planning-and-accountability/policies-framework/policies/duty-of-care-for-students Department of child protection, (2008) Working with children check: Retrieved from http://www. checkwwc. wa. gov. au/checkwwc Newnham, Helen (2000) â€Å"When is a teacher or school liable in negligence? † Australian Journal of Teacher Education: Vol. 25: Iss. 1, Article 5. Available at: http://ro. e cu. edu. au/ajte/vol25/iss1/5

My Teacher, My Hero Essay

When my friends asked me to write again, I decided to start my compilation with something meaningful, a themed essay for the My Teacher, My Hero theme, contrary to last year wherein I had a hard time choosing who to pay tribute to, this year is much different, it was easy and I believe, it is the most obvious choice. Everyone has someone to keep them on their own feet as they walk through life. Normally, it would be your parent or friend, but mine is different, I had kept myself intact with the help of a teacher. Teachers are usually there to impart knowledge and give you an opportunity to move on with life, I was blessed to have someone during my college days who takes time to make sure that I was okay and the strength to hold on to when everything else went astray, he was Engr. Elmerito D. Pineda. I first met Engr. Pineda as my professor back when I was in First Year (Advanced Programming Languages in C) , back then, things were just inside the classroom – lectures, quizzes, exercises which brought my confidence back after losing my scholarship during the previous term but things turned different when I was in my Third Year and he became our thesis mentor. He turned out to be the #1 Supporter to what we have wanted in the first place, the Alumni Tracer for FEU – East Asia College. Despite both parties having to adjust to the situation of having a part-time mentor last year, we both exerted effort to follow-up and communicate with each other. Since I was always doing the documentation portion of most our projects, I was the one responsible for making follow-ups with the mentor, which happened to be Mr. Pineda. I took it as my responsibility to stay late, meet him after classes for checking and even go straight to his FEU Main class just to finish the proposal for our thesis. Unfortunately, our second term was cut short after failing the proposal defense – but when things thought that it was the end of our mentorship with Engr. Pineda, we were wrong. He stayed with us until the very end. He had always made sure that I was okay. He had always made me feel secure especially by showing me how much he believes in the entire group. When we are back for the third term with a different project and mentor, he made sure he would ask us about our thesis and he was one of the few people who first congratulated us after a successful defense – indeed, he showed me that he was true to his words when we started communicating, â€Å"Dito lang ako for you, parang si Ms. Bong (Evelyn Ruth M. Manuel)†. He never left the group, he never left me during the good times and the bad times. Even if he is not physically present, his presence would always be felt wholeheartedly, and in the little ways he does it, I am extremely grateful. As time pass by, I looked up to him as one of the best friends and as my â€Å"dad† in school. I still see him from time to time. He has helped mold my character to be as strong as it is right now. He has his own way of teaching me things, he doesn’t get mad easily when you do something wrong, however, he has his own way to show you that you are wrong and it is proven effective to me, I managed to make amends and never do things again. For all the things he has done for me, all I can do to repay is to be there for him as well. I know I would be supporting him in whatever he would aspire to do in his life. I also look forward to see him finish Doctoral of Information Technology sometime next year for it would add weapons to his already impressive curriculum vitae. I hope he touch more lives and help direct it to a better place, just like how he helped me push my life back on track. My life would never be perfect. I would always experience the roller-coasters of being a human being but I would always remember one thing, that indeed, I was blessed. I was blessed to have people that would guide me. I was blessed to have people who would accept me for who I am. Furthermore, I am blessed to have Engr. Elmerito D. Pineda in my life, whatever you do call him, he would always have a special place in my life, a great mentor, friend and a dad. Engr. Elmerito D. Pineda, hats off†¦ my 2011 would not be complete without having the opportunity to thank you for everything that you have done for me.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Magazine Article for creative writing

George Bernard Shaw once said that ‘A perpetual holiday is a good working definition of hell'. I'm here to analyse whether this is true. He could have meant that a holiday from work or school forever would be hell but I like to think and therefore I'm testing out the theory of actually moving to a place that was once your favourite holiday destination. Will that place still hold all the carefree, luxurious magic that it does when you escape there for a few weeks of rest and relaxation, or will paying tax and contributing to the debate about what time the village lights should be turned off kill that magic for you? My favourite holiday destination was always Roquecor in the south of France. A tiny hilltop village near Toulouse, far from the coast and in the rural mainland. I have been visiting since I was a little girl and to me it always represented peace and happiness. For that one or two weeks a year I was free, even at four years old I think I loved the segregation from daily nursery and weekly ballet lessons. As I got older that feeling of escapism grew, particularly depending on the unfolding dramas affecting my life at different times. People are now saying this trip I am embarking on, taking the plunge of escaping abroad is just that; escaping. I will confirm now that this is all in the name of journalism but I know that deep down I am hoping for the reassuring joy and tranquillity that I experienced annually on holiday in Roquecor, but is that all it's supposed to be, a holiday? The day of departure arrived much sooner than I had anticipated. All my affairs were in order, my accommodation sorted out. I had opted for a beautiful maisonette as there would only be me and my boyfriend, Adam, going out there. He has decided to come indefinitely, quite possibly for good if the dream lives up to all that is anticipated. He was won over by the lure of cheap wine, French bread and better weather. As an aficionado of the French language and a trained teacher, he has managed to wangle his was into being the English teacher at the local primary school. My job as a journalist is highly mobile and I will continue to pursue with this career and also start work on my novel. On the way to the airport I think about all the things that I'll miss and the things I won't; fresh milk, re-runs of The Vicar of Dibley and Blackadder, and London yobs (which obviously falls into the latter category). Then suddenly I realise, and it shocks me that I haven't thought of it before. Not only am I emigrating abroad but I'm swapping a vibrant city for a remote village. Suddenly my mind swims with things that I will miss and with the realisation that even the overcrowded underground in the middle of summer becomes something I yearn for, well almost. The maisonette is delightful, full of charm and character. It is on the main street through the village but it is nothing like the main roads in England. It is a small ‘rue' with flower baskets hanging on every house and the traditional shutters adorning them. It is the ‘tour de guet' the watchtower to the village that is ours. Basically it is the gatehouse, the first house on the road into the village however we will only occupy the top part of the five story house which we enter straight from the road as the rest on the house continues down into the hill and a sloping path reaches the front door at the bottom for the other tenants. Inside the property is quintessentially French and when you open the windows in the back room you easily have the most breathtaking view you could imagine. You are on the top of a cliff with nothing but countryside and fields full of bright yellow sunflowers. We unpack and decorate the property with our personal touches, all we can do seeing as it is ready furnished. A celebratory gin and tonic is rapidly concocted from the supplies in the larder and we head out to the terrace at the front of the house. Beautiful, sun kissed French children hurriedly skip up the hill talking excitedly of their fathers boar hunting trip. They abruptedly stop when they see our pale inquisitive faces, whisper to each other for a moment and then give us broad grins and a chorus of ‘Salut! ‘ rings around us. I grin back at them, then grin at Adam and realise that I have grinned like this for a long time. Will I continue grinning like this? Only time will tell and so for now I'm going to go and enjoy, as they say, the first day of the rest of my life.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Marketing and Different Vendors Essay

Having multi-vendor partnerships has its advantages and disadvantages. In the long run, supporting such a partnership would be difficult to maintain. Here are some of the concerns: * Change: Hardware and software requires constant upgrades to keep up with the technology changes. Changes in systems from multiple vendors can cause integration problems and requires a rigid process of testing and configuration. * Knowledge: IT staff must be well-trained in all the systems of the multi-vendor environment. Without a good IT support, the harder it is to find the source of the problem, and the longer it takes for them to resolve it. * Communication: In-house IT staff may have all the knowledge on the systems in the multi-vendor environment, but sometimes support from the vendors is required. In such cases, a support engineer is required to communicate with other support engineer, and it would be easier if it is done within the organization, but this is not usually the case. . Focusing IT on top line requires bringing in revenue for the company by increasing sales, whereas focusing IT on the bottom line requires bringing the cost down by reducing on operating cost. Focusing IT on the top line is more challenging because IT is not able to control who and when someone will actually buy the products and services. On the other hand, focusing IT on the bottom line can be predictable as there are sets of parameters within he organization that can be controlled, for example, reducing the number of employees. 3. Some ways for IT to bring in revenue is by increasing the number of customers and retaining customers. To increase the number of customers, IT systems such as online marketing tools can help to generate sales leads and increase customer awareness by sending out emails or direct mailers to potential customers. Such tools can help in segmenting customer profiles and evaluate the performance of the marketing campaign.

Friday, September 13, 2019

An Overall Analysis of Various Aspects of Islam Research Paper - 1

An Overall Analysis of Various Aspects of Islam - Research Paper Example Unlike Islam as a set of beliefs Hinduism is a collection of different intellectual or idealistic points of view, as Gavin Flood says in this regard that it does not have "unified system of belief encoded in declaration of faith or a creed" (Flood 34). In spite of Hinduism’s numerous traditions and versions including Shaivism, Vaishnavism and Srauta, a common philosophy of Hinduism is founded on the concepts of â€Å"karma, dharma, and societal norms† (Georgis 62) The Islamic faith in the oneness of God fundamentally originates from the Holy book, Quran, which the Muslim believes to be direct revelation or guidance of God descended upon Prophet Muhammad. Etymological Roots of Islam and Hinduism The term â€Å"Islam† derives from the root ‘salaam’ or ‘s-l-m’, where the term â€Å"Hindu† has its root in the word ‘Sindhu’ a local Sanskrit appellation, of the Indus River. Indeed the word, â€Å"Hindu† was incorpora ted in English from the Arabic term â€Å"Al Hind† used to refer to the Indian Subcontinent and the people living in this area. Later the term â€Å"Al-Hind† gets changed into Persian articulation as ‘Hindu’. On the other hand, the etymological root of Islam literally means ‘wholeness and completion’. But a number of other Islamic scholars consent that Islam as a religion has a broader meaning, â€Å"submission to the will of God†. ... But drawing references to the textual evidences in the holy Quran, scholars claim that Islam begins from the birth of Adam, the first man and prophet of Islam. In this way, Abrahamic religions are supposed to be the ancient versions, of Islam, which God Himself annulled because the distortions of His message brought about man. (Nasr 45) But other scholars believe that since God has repealed other religions as well as other versions such as Christianity (the religion preached by Zesu, a prophet of high respect in Islam), Judaism (preached by Moses, another revered prophet) and other religions, the real Islam for modern people is to be considered the one that Muhammad founded in the Seventh Century in Arab peninsula. Unlike Islam’s self-acclamation about its origin in Adam’s the first man’s age, the religious texts o Hinduism do not verify its origin. Rather anthropological researches show that the origin of Hinduism in India dates back to a period between 5500BCE and 2600BCE, commonly known as the late Neolithic age (Thapar 77). Indeed from this period up 500BCE Hinduism prevails as a Vedic religion depending on the religious texts called Vedas. The Vedas is a collection of several versions, of which the Oldest is the Rig Veda. The Vedas advocates the worship of gods such as Agni, Indra, and Varuna. This Vedic religion had undergone lots of changes over the century before the modern Hinduism emerged after the Muslim conquest of India in the early seventh century. Along the protracted path of addition, inclusion and reduction, the early first century texts Ramayana and Mahabharata began to be influential in this religion. Beliefs in